Seth and Miekka at the Portland Japanese Gardens. Seth, Sophie and Maggie on the Teeter-Todder Father and Sons Outting Portland Vacation Seth's Birthday Party August. 9-29-06. I'm trying a new format for this newsletter in the hopes to ...
Oczywiscie jesli chcecie uzyskac piekne dekoracyjne paseczki, zaopatrzcie sie w chlodnie, lub po prostu poczekajcie na chlodniejsze dni, bo jak widac na zdjeciu moje ciasto po 2 minutach poza lodowka bylo juz miekkie jak, ... Questa estate, anche se cos? piena di impegni, mi ha riservato una sorpresa. Per la prima volta da quando vivo in Italia sono risucita ad avere i VERI mirtilli :) Oltre la met? l'abbiamo mangiata direttamente dalla ciotola facendo la gara 'la mia ...
The Hindenburg Omen (not originally given that name) was dreamed up by Jim Miekka, a blind mathematician who edits a newsletter called the Sudbury Bull & Bear Report. Though Miekka put this out there a number of decades ago, ...